Tuesday 31 January 2012

I Need a Home Sweet Home

So this is my third post and I feel like I have so much to share! But first, I need to catch you up on my extremely exciting life....lol.

Right now I am working in Toronto, living in Mississauga (at my boyfriend's Mom's house - we will get to that later) and making trips to and from London, Hamilton, and Guelph pretty much every weekend to spend time with family and friends. So it is safe to say I don't really feel like I have a place to call my own. That is why the first thing on my short term goal list is....

1. Find an apartment.

If only it was that easy. My boyfriend works in Mississauga and is very content living at his Mom's house, rent free, while he saves up to put a downpayment on a house. I on the other hand, am paying rent there ( a lot less than I would be paying alone in Toronto), plus I am spending what feels like a fortune on transit to get to and from work. I would love to live with my man but it seems like my best option in this case is to try to find a roommate or worst case to go it alone. It is not living alone that bothers me, it is paying rent alone that stresses me right out. 

Second on my list is...

2. Commit to a gym/yoga membership and/or regular workout regime.

Once I have found a place to live, and even before, I need to commit myself to a regular fitness routine. Right now with the 2 hour commute it is very difficult to motivate myself to go to the gym or to hot yoga once I get home from work. All I want to do is make dinner, relax for an hour or two, and then go to bed. So lame I know. I just feel like there is not enough time in the day. That being said, I have no excuse for not doing an at home workout either early (very early, 5am early) in the morning, or in the evening after work. Something I will definitely need to start soon. I feel like I am doing such a good job eating healthy I need to compliment that with regular physical activity.

Thirdly I would love to....

3. Get (rescue) a puppy.

Ever since I can remember I have wanted a dog. I know how much of a responsibility it is but I am more than ready for it. I love everything about dogs, their loyalty, their love, their activity level, a puppy would be the perfect addition to my life right now. I feel like I have very little down time now but once I get settled in a place of my own and significantly reduce the time I spend commuting to and from the office I will have lots of time to spend with my dog. I will take so much joy in walking it twice a day, training it, teaching it tricks, and just spending quality time with it. Ah just talking about it and picturing my life with my future dog is so exciting, I can't wait!

I think that about sums up my short term goals. I hope to accomplish all within the next few months. I will keep you posted on how my apartment search is going. As well, I will share what I have designed to be the perfect at-home workout regime for reaching my personal fitness goals. And of course as soon as I get my puppy I will share lots of stories and pictures :)

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