Thursday 2 February 2012

Fab and Affordable Finds

So now that you have had a little introduction to me and where I am in my life (job, living situation, short term goals), I want to start sharing the things I love! First obviously comes family and friends, but a close third is fashion.

Like most recent university/college grads I am struggling to establish my dream wardrobe. I just dont have the money to be buying the designer brands I would love to rock on a daily basis. Luckily there are a lot of very trendy in-expensive stores where you can achieve the designer look for a much MUCH lower price. I'm sure most 20-something ladies out there will agree with me that H&M, Aritzia, Zara, and Forever21 are prime spots to find the most fashionable, trendy, and affodable pieces for your wardrobe.

A major plus to working in advertising is that I am constantly in contact with tons of fashion forward people working for magazines such as Flare and LOULOU, which means.....I get a sneak peak at all the hottest and upcoming trends before (only a few weeks) issues hit the stands! So now more than ever I have no excuse not to keep my wardrobe up to date.

Here are some of my favourite looks and products right now. All (or slight variations of) can be purchased at the above stores mentioned, with the exception of the nail polish which is called "Mod about You" and can be purchased whereever OPI products are sold.

Enjoy :)

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