Thursday 30 August 2012

Fall 2012: TIFF, Fashion, and Fitness

Hi Friends,

It's been a while and I'm a little off my blogging game so forgive me. I'm not going to promise this sort of hiatus won't happen again, because it likely will, but I'm here now so lets make the most of it!

Although it pains me to say it, summer is sadly coming to an end. Time is going by much to fast. I do not like it at all. That being said, I had an amazing summer! I hope you guys did too.

So now that it is, dare I say it.....fall, here are the things I am excited about (in order of importance)
  1. My BIRTHDAY (the big 2-4, yikes)
  2. TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival)
  3. Thanksgiving
  4. Fall Collections
  5. Fab New Fitness Kick (should probably be #2 but let's be honest here)
So, this year for my 24th, I've decided I want to spend the weekend in Montreal with my best girls. I am in love with Montreal. The atmosphere is amazing, the food is second to none, shopping is fab, and the nightlife is super fun. I have been to the city for one night a few times, and have found I never had enough time to really take it in, so this will be my time. Montreal you will be mine!

TIFF this year promises to be absolutely fantastic. The movies look unreal (Argo especially), and the list of celebs attending is also very impressive. I have heard whispers that George Clooney, Ryan Gossling, Ben Affleck, Bradley Cooper, Colin Farrell, Will Smith, and Dennis Quaid will be here in Toronto. I think you see where I'm going here ladies. This year is going to be sizzling. So make sure you make a point to spend a night or two out in Toronto between September 6th and September 16th to increase your chances of a run in with your fave celeb. For a list of spots you are most likely to run into your celebrity soul mate go to;

Thanksgiving = family, friends, amazing food, and football!

Fall is an amazing time for fashion. Have a look at these collections and tell me I'm wrong.....

Kanye West
Kanye West Paris Fashion Week Fall 2012
Kanye West Paris Fashion Week Fall 2012
Giorgio Armani Runway Fall 2012
Givenchy Fall RTW 2012
Amazing....I know.
Keep an eye out for a more wearable fall fashion post in the near future.

Finally, I think Fall is the perfect time to get into a new fitness routine. The excuse of  "whatever, it's summer" can no longer be used. If you are like me, and took the summer as a vacation from your fitness routine (oops), I suggest easing back into things with Gillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. You really have no excuse not to try it. It is a 30 min, fully body, comprehensive workout that includes strength,cardio, and abs. And the best part is, it is designed to be done in the comfort of your own home! All you need is a yoga mat and 5-10 pound hand weights. If you don't want to spend the whole $12 dollars on the DVD without trying it first, hit up Youtube! She has some videos on there you can test out first. Don't be deceived, this workout makes you sweat. Word to the wise, start at level 1.

Here is a link to get you started



Thursday 15 March 2012

Nail the Spring 2012 Polish Trends!

Wow, it has been far to long since my last post! I have been extremely busy and pre-occupied but will soon update you on all the exciting things that have been happening in the last few weeks!

Seeing that I have been so incredibly busy I have found it absolutely necessary to squeeze in at least one relaxing activity per day. Something that helps me to unwind a little and sort of clear my mind. So, today I want to talk about one of my favourite ways to relax, painting my nails!

I am so excited about Spring/Summer nail trends this year. They are very similar to clothing trends in that the most popular colours are pastels, oranges/corals, and neons! I love colour and cannot wait to try out some of these awesome colours.

A few helpful hits. When applying bright/neon colours make sure you first apply a quality base coat to prevent nail staining. I learned this the hard way. I thought I could get away with skipping the base coat when I chose to try out a light blue pastel. My nails were left stained for almost 2 weeks before I was advised I needed to purchase an acetone remover to get rid of the lingering colour.

Even if you think it is a little outside of your confort zone, add a spash of colour, it will brighted your day!....Literally

Monday 13 February 2012

When You Think You've Got it Rough....

This morning I read in an article that the average person has 60 000 thoughts per day over 80% of which are negative. I think this is extremely sad and unacceptable. We all need a serious reality check. We need to focus less on the tiny occurrences that really do not matter in the big scheme of things, and in turn become A LOT more appreciative of all the amazing blessings we have in our lives.

I am going to share a story that I hope will help you put things into perspective. So what someone cut you off in the parking lot, who cares if you accidentally locked your keys in the car, and the fact that you feel like you have nothing cute to wear to work today, get over it.

I would like to introduce you to a man who defines the words strength, positivity, and perseverance. This is a man who has encountered more negative events in his life time then most of us could ever imagine. I present to you the story of Mark Bishop.

On September 3rd 2011 while my boyfriend Josh and I were enjoying labour day weekend at my cottage we got news that Josh's Dad, Mark, had a massive stroke. It hit us like a ton of bricks seeing as Mark had been doing so well in the last few years.

Mark has overcome a great deal in his first 50 years. He was born premature and was not expected to survive, made bald look beautiful when he developed alopecia in his teens and lost all of the hair on his head and body, he was diagnosed with and beat testicular cancer when he was in his 20's, and finally, he has undergone a quadruple bypass heart operation after a massive heart attack in his early 40's.

Mark has not only battled through cancer and a massive heart attack he has also been a rock for his mother and sister after the tragic death of his father 19 years ago on Labour Day weekend. Mark's Dad was 65. Six years later in 1998 Mark's brother Kim was killed after being in a car accident on Thanksgiving weekend. Kim was Mark's best friend and these were huge losses but Mark knew he needed to be there for his family, and he was.

Mark never complained about his minor physical ailments so I was surprised to find out that he had two disks removed from his back, had one knee completely replaced and underwent extensive surgery on the other knee following a car accident (separate from his brother Kim's) not to mention the fact that he has only one functioning eye and one functioning lung.

Mark is a true athlete, he works out religiously, and is often compared to superheroes due to his massive biceps and killer 6 pack. Mark has also been taking part in the "Ride to Conquer Cancer" for the last 3 years to raise money for Cancer research. He has raised close to $15 000 and has ridden his bike over 520 miles for the cause.

Mark is an amazing father to his four kids, Josh, Daniel, Adam, and Holly. He has never once missed a football or soccer game and has been taking his boys camping despite a hectic work schedule every year since Joshua was five years old (he is now 24).

Mark returned from visiting his wife, Rocio, in Colombia two days before he had the stroke. They met about a year and a half ago while Rocio was living in Ontario. It was love at first sight and the two were married four months later. The lovebirds have been inseparable ever since so when we got news that there was an issue with Rocio's citizenship documents and she was required to return to Colombia and start the immigration process all over again, Mark was absolutely devastated (although he would never show it). Rocio was able to spend Christmas with us but shortly after Mark accompanied her back to Colombia and the fight to bring her back began. Mark works extremely hard - 30 days back to back with not so much as a night to himself sometime in order to save money to fly to see his wife every 5-6 weeks.

Mark is the ultimate provider always making sure his family is taken care of and because of that he has selflessly opted not to spend money on the prescription medication his doctors advised him to take following his heart attack. Mark was doing great but financial stress along with the stress of work, not being with his soul mate, and trying to grasp how his newly renovated apartment (which he designed and constructed himself) could flood after a pipe suddenly burst, was too just too much for even Superman to handle.

Mark spoke to Rocio at 12AM on Sept 3rd and was found 9 hours later by his 9 year old son Adam. We are not sure when the stroke began but we do know that it did severe damage to the left side of his brain leaving his right side completely paralysed and his speech virtually non existent - for the moment. As a true testament to the optimist that he is Mark will clearly respond "yes" when he is spoken to, but that is about it. Mark is the strongest man I know and the Bishops are the most loving, committed, and dedicated people, so there is no doubt in my mind that Mark will come out of this on top. This will just be another notch on his belt - something to add to the autobiography we all joke about him writing. Anyways I just think that the world needs to know the power of perseverance and that no obstacle is too hard or too large to overcome. Mark is a true inspiration and until he can do it himself I wanted to share his story.

I wrote this note in September 2011, just days after Mark had the stroke. Five and a half months later I am so happy to report that Mark is doing amazingly. Rocio has received full citizenship and flew home to Canada to be with Mark on Christmas Day. She has been taking amazing care of him and together they have been working extremely hard on speeding up Mark's recovery. He is able to communicate and can recognize and say most words almost flawlessly. Mark can walk and do all daily activities on his own. He works out 3 times a week, and is able to use his right arm (a huge accomplishment seeing as the arm is typically last to regain movement).

My message here in simple, please, whenever you find yourself dwelling in negativity, think about Mark and everything he has had to endure and overcome. Do yourself a favour and realize that you really do not have it very bad at all, and for goodness sakes SMILE! : )

This is Mark in the fall of 2010 at his son Daniel's University Varisty football game.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Fab and Affordable Finds

So now that you have had a little introduction to me and where I am in my life (job, living situation, short term goals), I want to start sharing the things I love! First obviously comes family and friends, but a close third is fashion.

Like most recent university/college grads I am struggling to establish my dream wardrobe. I just dont have the money to be buying the designer brands I would love to rock on a daily basis. Luckily there are a lot of very trendy in-expensive stores where you can achieve the designer look for a much MUCH lower price. I'm sure most 20-something ladies out there will agree with me that H&M, Aritzia, Zara, and Forever21 are prime spots to find the most fashionable, trendy, and affodable pieces for your wardrobe.

A major plus to working in advertising is that I am constantly in contact with tons of fashion forward people working for magazines such as Flare and LOULOU, which means.....I get a sneak peak at all the hottest and upcoming trends before (only a few weeks) issues hit the stands! So now more than ever I have no excuse not to keep my wardrobe up to date.

Here are some of my favourite looks and products right now. All (or slight variations of) can be purchased at the above stores mentioned, with the exception of the nail polish which is called "Mod about You" and can be purchased whereever OPI products are sold.

Enjoy :)

Tuesday 31 January 2012

I Need a Home Sweet Home

So this is my third post and I feel like I have so much to share! But first, I need to catch you up on my extremely exciting

Right now I am working in Toronto, living in Mississauga (at my boyfriend's Mom's house - we will get to that later) and making trips to and from London, Hamilton, and Guelph pretty much every weekend to spend time with family and friends. So it is safe to say I don't really feel like I have a place to call my own. That is why the first thing on my short term goal list is....

1. Find an apartment.

If only it was that easy. My boyfriend works in Mississauga and is very content living at his Mom's house, rent free, while he saves up to put a downpayment on a house. I on the other hand, am paying rent there ( a lot less than I would be paying alone in Toronto), plus I am spending what feels like a fortune on transit to get to and from work. I would love to live with my man but it seems like my best option in this case is to try to find a roommate or worst case to go it alone. It is not living alone that bothers me, it is paying rent alone that stresses me right out. 

Second on my list is...

2. Commit to a gym/yoga membership and/or regular workout regime.

Once I have found a place to live, and even before, I need to commit myself to a regular fitness routine. Right now with the 2 hour commute it is very difficult to motivate myself to go to the gym or to hot yoga once I get home from work. All I want to do is make dinner, relax for an hour or two, and then go to bed. So lame I know. I just feel like there is not enough time in the day. That being said, I have no excuse for not doing an at home workout either early (very early, 5am early) in the morning, or in the evening after work. Something I will definitely need to start soon. I feel like I am doing such a good job eating healthy I need to compliment that with regular physical activity.

Thirdly I would love to....

3. Get (rescue) a puppy.

Ever since I can remember I have wanted a dog. I know how much of a responsibility it is but I am more than ready for it. I love everything about dogs, their loyalty, their love, their activity level, a puppy would be the perfect addition to my life right now. I feel like I have very little down time now but once I get settled in a place of my own and significantly reduce the time I spend commuting to and from the office I will have lots of time to spend with my dog. I will take so much joy in walking it twice a day, training it, teaching it tricks, and just spending quality time with it. Ah just talking about it and picturing my life with my future dog is so exciting, I can't wait!

I think that about sums up my short term goals. I hope to accomplish all within the next few months. I will keep you posted on how my apartment search is going. As well, I will share what I have designed to be the perfect at-home workout regime for reaching my personal fitness goals. And of course as soon as I get my puppy I will share lots of stories and pictures :)

Sunday 29 January 2012

Happy Sunday!

I absolutely love Sundays. They are all about relaxation, great food, and football for me. Although I am devastated that my New Orleans Saints are no longer in Super Bowl contention I cannot help but get excited for the big game.

Sundays also mean grocery runs and awesome meals with friends and family.

Every Sunday I make a delicious (and healthy) avocado dip. It is super easy. All you need is;

2-4 rip avocados (depending on how many people you are sharing with)
1-2 tomatoes
2-4 cloves of garlic
1/2 a bunch of green onion
1/2 a lemon squeezed
1 tbsp of rice vinegar
a dash of salt and pepper

And voila! I love using Tostitos Whole Grain rounds to dip. Mmmm my mouth is watering.

Happy Sunday all :)

Saturday 28 January 2012

A little bit about Me


My name is Jessica. I am a 23 year old business and communications graduate who has just landed her first job in the advertising industry. I love family, fashion, fitness, and all things beautiful. I cannot wait to share my experiences, thoughts, and opinions and to hear all of yours as well!
